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Minimum-Till Farming 

Minimum-till farming is a less invasive form of planting and harvesting. This practice helps to preserve beneficial nutrients and insects, which in turn produces healthier bean crops. With less soil erosion, the earth's precious nutrients stay right where they are needed - growing the best beans in the Pacific Northwest.


Minimum-till farming is a way of growing crops that reduces the disruption of soil through tillage. Minimum-till farming also decreases erosion and increases the amount and variety of life in and on the soil.  However, it may require increased herbicide due to not having the weed management benefits of ploughing and tilling.


Traditional farming uses ploughing to remove weeds, mix in soil amendments like fertilizers into the soil, shape soil into rows for crop plants and furrows for irrigation and prepare the ground surface for seeding. This can lead to unfavorable effects, like soil compaction; loss of organic matter; degradation of soil aggregates; death or disruption of soil microbes and other aggregates; death or disruption of soil microbes and other organisms including mycorrhiza, arthropods and earth worms; and soil erosion where topsoil is blown or washed away. 


By excluding the use of tillage, This approach avoids these negative consequences retains crop residues and other organic amenities on the soil surface. In addition, any sowing/fertilizing is done with minimal soil               disturbance.

Farming Practices

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Haricot Farms

Haricot Farms, an offshoot of Central Bean, was created for the Grebb family to explore sustainable growing practices and has successfully introduced several unique, environmentally friendly farming methods to Central Washington. No-till and minimum till farming, for instance provide less invasive forms of planting and harvesting. Because the soil is only minimally tilled, the natural beneficial nutrients and insects are preserved, producing healthier bean crops. With less soil erosion, the earth's precious nutrients stay right where they are needed, growing the best beans in the Pacific Northwest. Haricot Farms and Central Bean collaborate with several local growers to meet the ever-increasing demand for sustainably grown dry beans.


With their Food Alliance certification, The Grebb family farm has served as a model for sustainable farming practices throughout the country.

Our Farmers

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The benefits of no-till and minimum till farming are:​

  • No soil compaction 

  • No loss of organic matter 

  • No soil erosion 


Get in touch with
any questions


Mailing:  P.O. Box 215, Quincy, WA 98848


Physical: 815 E Street SW, Quincy, WA 98848


  • Facebook

Phone: 509-787-1544

Fax:  509-787-4040

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